BOISE, Idaho — The mayor of Hailey, Idaho released the following statement tonight regarding the extension of the city's Isolation Order:
Message From Hailey Mayor Martha Burke
Living under an Isolation Order is a new experience for all of us. A man with two small children told me today “It is beautifully simple and terrifyingly complex.”
One of the most difficult elements is not knowing for how long to pace ourselves. Those who were looking forward to Monday April 13 start-up now have to settle back into isolation mode. That’s hard, and we recognize that it’s made even harder by the changing season moving is gently into spring.
We must hold the course, and urge you to continue being careful with social distancing. We see more and more recreationists passing one another in dangerously close proximity on the bike paths and especially on Carbonate. We see more instances of casual groupings and conversations held without masks or proper distance.
The CDC recommends the use of cloth masks when people leave their homes. The Idaho State Isolation Order in effect limits the reasons for which people may leave their homes, and requires social distancing when doing so. The direction is clear:
“For purposes of this order “Social Distancing Requirements” includes maintaining at least six-foot social distancing from other individuals, washing hands with soap and water for at least twenty seconds as frequently as possible or using hand sanitizer, covering coughs or sneezes (into the sleeve or elbow, not hands), regularly cleaning high-touch surfaces, and not shaking hands.”
Hailey’s Order, along with other jurisdictions within Blaine County, remain more restrictive than the State Order. Construction and landscaping businesses will remain restricted for another week, until April 20, 2020. Other elements of the local Order are likely to remain in place for even longer.
We have appreciated the leadership and cooperation displayed as all local jurisdictions work together on this challenge. We are grateful for the careful, sincere deliberation of the city councils and county commissioners working for their constituents. We all believe we have set a course for the best outcome for all.
We ask you to hold the course, pace yourselves for the unknown, and continue toward victory against COVID-19.
As a final word, please note the numbers in Blaine County have again improved. We are no longer on the list of highest number of cases per capita. We see by rising numbers across the nation how privileged we are to isolate in a community such as ours. We hold the world in our thoughts on this Easter weekend.
Issued on April 11, 2020
by Heather Dawson, Hailey City Administrator