Get lyrics of Whit you jai jagdeesh clear song you love. List contains Whit you jai jagdeesh clear song lyrics of older one songs and hot new releases. Get known every word of your favorite song or start your own karaoke party tonight :-).
I will be with you And I'll be with you I will be with you I will be with you And I'll be with you I will be with you I will be with you... (Solo) Love opens up the day Guides us on our way Illuminates the path we are to walk Love lifts us high Precious love we hold In the center of the soul My love embraces you long after we have said our ... JAI-JAGDEESH - WITH YOU BY JAI-JAGDEESH LYRICS
illuminates the path we are to walk love lifts us high precious love we hold in the center of the soul my love embraces you long after we have said our goodbyes and i'll be with you i'll be with you and i'll be with you i'll be with you i'll be with you Submit lyrics correction → 55k Like Add Comment Jai-Jagdeesh - With You By Jai-Jagdeesh JAI-JAGDEESH - HALLELUJAH LYRICS
Hallelujah, Hallelujah Hallelujah, Hallelujah Your faith was strong but you needed proof You saw her dancing on the roof Her beauty and the moonlight overthrew ya And she tied you to her kitchen chair She broke your throne, she cut your hair And from your lips she drew the Hallelujah Hallelujah, Hallelujah Hallelujah, Hallelujah JAI-JAGDEESH - LIGHT OF LOVE LYRICS
I am tangled up in beauty, I see clearly that it's me I have opened up my heart, and surrender unto thee I am the child, I am the mother I am your bride, and your lover I am everything, great and small, I am the one, I am it all I am the child, I am the mother I am your bride, and your lover I am everything, great and small, Jai-Jagdeesh - The Miracle of Miracles (Ardas Bhaee) Lyrics
And to do prayer, you have to put your mind and body together and then pray from the soul. Ardas Bahee is a mantra prayer. If you sing it, your mind, body and soul automatically combine and without saying what you want, the need of the life is adjusted. That is the beauty of this prayer." — Yogi Bhajan JAI-JAGDEESH - IN DREAMS LYRICS
Know you are loved Rest in peace Dream your sweet dreams "Til your soul is released Beloved Child My heart is yours Beloved Child Go out and open doors With your love With your faith With your compassion With your grace Oh, with your grace Beloved Child You are the light of the world Beloved Child Go out, spread light to the world Jai-Jagdeesh - Aap Sahaaee Hoaa Lyrics
Aap Sahaee Hoa, Satsche Dha, Satscha Dho... Har Har Har(Repeat)(English Interpretation)The Lord Himself has become my protector. The Truest of the True has taken care of me. God. God. God. The Lord Himself has become my refuge. True is the support of the True Lord
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